I deleted the descriptions of my roles on LinkedIn. Why?

3 min readJul 9, 2020

There’s a battle on attention nowadays.

There are way too many people wanting the very same few roles out there.

I’m not competing. I’m standing for my values and search for those who I can share visions with.

With a short scan, a recruiter can see I haven’t worked for a big corporation, or the exact industry they’re looking for, I’ve been in various countries that might not count for them, so they won’t bother reading about my experience. Goodbye, and thank you for at least clicking on my LinkedIn profile.

I’m here for those who care more about what I can do for them. So, no matter what companies I worked for and no matter what my role was, I made sure to make some changes and leave something behind for them, while also growing as an individual and professional.

But did I leave the space empty? No…

I chose to mention a few changes I made in each role and my learnings. I’m more than happy to talk about any of those experiences and you’ll see how my face lights up and the enthusiasm of my voice.

I’m not against the system.

I think there are systems that can be useful to any one of us, we just have to find where we belong. If there wouldn’t be people that question certain systems and ways of behaving, well, there wouldn’t be much evolution, would it? I want to get to know exactly those people who are curious, who are able to question everything while coming up with constructive solutions. I’m that kind of person too, and I think we’d make a great team together.

A team is something I highly believe in.

Although I’m autonomous, I did freelance work and started working remotely before it was trending or imposed by a global pandemics, I believe in brainstormings, in constructive arguments and that together we are stronger.

But what can I do?

As a marketer, I believe I’m in the business of change. No matter the industry, I know I have to understand it, ask for the why, find the target or create it around the product or service and engage them. I love producing content that is able to inform and engage, not just to pollute more. I’m aware of the carbon footprint of the internet. I grew up with the digital and evangelized it to the most stubborn laggards.

I believe and promote sustainability and circularity, I believe that female power has a momentum and has to be used well. I’m all for continuous learning mixed with design thinking processes, and believe in the power of tech. I read a lot and am able to curate ideas.

My strengths via a great test suggested to me by my coach are: perspective, appreciation of beauty and excellence, honesty, creativity and judgement.


Ah yes, location is important. I made the move and I’m here, in a place where I thought I can step over the cultural shock, because it’s Europe, no? Well… I wasn’t right, but challenge accepted, I’m here to stay!

I was lucky enough to start in a role that made me network and get closer to most of the businesses in the country and there are some great ideas and lots of power in the mix. The pandemics stopped, or at least it put a big pause on the events’ industry, so I’m looking for something that is still growing, where I can help to make changes and make the growth shine.




Worked & travelled solo while being a corporate, a freelancer or hired in the nomad Paradise -Bali. I have stories and answers that will make you ask questions.