We’re in this #coronavirus nightmare together. Now a bit more understanding maybe, and a bit less sceptical about the fact that it’s just a flu.
It took a whole country to lock down to start to want to learn from their mistakes, but, well, we’re human and that’s still a good excuse.
I had some “advantage” of getting the first waves of reactions from closer, by living in the Italian part of Switzerland, but still from a safe distance and I’ve been observing since the chain of events. There are obviously a lot of people affected and the economy is going under. I am affected, my job is put on hold. I can’t see my hard work coming true, a conference for 1000+ people and many other events we had planned for this season won’t happen and we have to reinvent our core business.
But, that didn’t stop me from wanting to see and also write about the positive sides of Coronavirus. The article was very well received just because it had this positive touch and underlined the benefits towards a more sustainable planet. I used it in a huge group on Facebook called the Digital Nomad Girls to get some reactions from them, see what other jobs were affected and how their spirit was, also knowing that most of them are nomads, travellers who are in the gig economy. The situation ain’t pink, but these girls have what a lot of us should build-up nowadays. It’s called resilience.
Resilience =the ability to become strong, healthy, or successful again after something bad happens
No matter how it hit you and what’s your situation, we all have more time for us and our loved ones and we should use it well! Don’t waste it to read all the news and panic. Do some research about how to stay safe and tell others if they make mistakes, stay away from all the negativity and surround yourself with everything that reminds you that a pause is needed and we will all get out of it if we care more for each other and the planet.
Practice being a caring human
- Take care of yourself and use some of your time to recharge your batteries and get in touch with your inner self. What are the thoughts you’ve been shushing lately?
- Check up on those who you can’t meet with anymore, or haven’t talked in a while.
- Stop just scrolling and interact — give more hearts to those who create content and take their time to write something. React to those stories that make you feel something, it could be a nice icebreaker.
- Start appreciating more those who do the content that entertains you, there’s a lot of work in it. Thank them, send some love, reshare things, clap for the articles you read on Medium (you can clap more than once for an article, just press it longer), comment and ask more questions, let them know you’re there.
- If you see depressed posts or no activity from some people, write to them, call them, ask if they are ok. They might need some fresh perspectives.
Reinvent your career?
If you lost your job… Well, there’s always the whining and blaming part, then the being depressed part and the binge-watching part might become a bit neverending if you let it (I even have some good recommendations for you here, that as a bonus might motivate you too). Entertainment sure got a lift from this situation and it should also help you lift up a bit your spirit. But be a bit stronger and hit no when it asks you if you “continue to watch” and start using this time in your favor.
Those already unfulfilled with your job/boss/company try to see an opportunity in this and focus on updating that CV, open more tabs with jobs, now that colleagues can’t see your screen. Who knows, you could come out of this situation with a clearer path, totally reinvented.
Need more skills? Always wanted to learn something new? Wanted to change career but never had time to see what else is out there and what you’re good at? Search for online courses, watch some tutorials, get on groups and forums, ask for help.
Increase positivity. Spread positivity.
I’m either surrounding myself with the right people or we really start getting some things right and understand that being human can also save us. There are a lot of positive messages coming from all over and there’s a lot of creative humour too, which means we are trying to relax and help others do so. The most seen things around the internet have all of us cover, no matter if you just need a drink, are in a couple or just single and horny. These resonated most with my friends and followers, so I should share them here with you too, maybe I squeeze more smiles :)
I feel more responsible with the content I’m curating and posting around and I try to make it besides entertaining a bit educating, informing, funny, clever, artsy. All the things we need to lift our spirits are there if we follow the right people. I’m glad I see the same from others too.
Oh, and once all this passes, please keep the good habits, keep being caring humans!
Yours truly, optimistic realist.